Question Types

The following lists the various types of questions that Lumi is capable of answering.

Evaluate various business metrics across different dimensions to gain insights into operational efficiency, sales performance, and customer satisfaction. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyze them to determine areas of improvement or success.

Performance Metrics Analysis: Evaluate various business metrics across dimensions.

Example Prompt: Show me total purchase quantity and total purchase cost for every item in 2023. Also, list the number of distinct suppliers we bought from. Output: item_id, description, Total Purchase Quantity, Total Purchase Cost, Currency Code, Distinct Supplier Count. Sort by total purchase cost.

Bad Prompt Example: Show me purchases for 2023.

Comparative Analysis: Compare metrics across different time periods.

Which customers have experienced the largest decline in gross profit when comparing the last 3 months to the previous 3 months? Output: Customer, Customer Name, Currency Code, Last 3 Months, Previous 3 Months.

Bad Prompt Example: Which customers lost money?

Cumulative Analysis: Calculate cumulative totals or running sums.

Example Prompt: Calculate gross profit in 2024 YTD for each customer.

Bad Prompt Example: What are the profits this year?

Segmentation: Divide data into meaningful segments based on common characteristics.

Example Prompt: What are the top purchased items in April 2024 that were bought from multiple suppliers? Include relevant details

Bad Prompt Example: What were the top items in April?

Correlations: Explore relationships between two variables.

Example Prompt: What is the marketing spend and sales revenue, by month in 2023. Include relevant details.

Bad Prompt Example: Show me marketing and sales numbers.

Anomaly Detection: Detect unusual data patterns or outliers.

Example Prompt: What is the marketing spend and sales revenue, by month in 2023. Include relevant details.

Bad Prompt Example: Are there any weird orders?

Market Basket Analysis: Analyze purchasing patterns.

Example Prompt: What are the finished goods with the highest average sales volume in July (across all years) that are currently out of stock?

Bad Prompt Example: What sold the most in July that's out of stock?

Causation Analysis: Establish cause-and-effect.

(Coming Soon)

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