
The following describes how to get started with Slack. Note that the first step is a prerequisite to be completed by an organization Admin, the remainder is user-specific.

Step 1: Admin Enablement

The broader instructions to enable Slack for the organization are available for (and must be executed by) Admins in Org Settings > Tool Integrations.

Follow-up with an Admin if not enabled.

Step 2: Add the Bot for Yourself

Start by searching for the app or tagging it directly in a chat.

If the slack bot is not installed, the admin needs to follow instructions to add it to slack organization. View Step 1.

Step 3: Start with a message

Say "hello" or any message to start the account linking process with Lumi AI.

You will be prompted to sync your account. Click and follow actions to complete steps. You may need to log into Lumi AI in the web app if you are not logged in already.

You will get a verification screen to confirm you are linking the right organization.

Step 5: Select a Knowledge Base

Your conversation will be associated with a Knowledge Base defined in the web app that you as a linked-user have access to. If you have access to none, please use the web app / follow-up with your team to create one or be provided access.

Step 6: Ask your question

You can now interface with Lumi AI as you would in the web app chat. Note the limitations in previously described here.

Last updated