This section is where members can be managed (added, modified, and removed). This section does not require you to be in Edit mode to take effect (it applies immediately).
Users must first exist at the organization level before they can exist at a Knowledge Base level; see Admin-scoped section here.
Key Components
Actions breakdown by new or existing users.
Inviting Users
Use the dropdown to search and select for a user to be added. By default users start as "Viewers" which can use the Knowledge Base in Chat and in Boards and can see the contents of the Knowledge Base itself, but may not edit it.
Modifying Users
Any Knowledge Base Contributor (or organization-level Admin) can modify users (except for admins, see Considerations below), including changing their permission level or removing them entirely from the Knowledge Base.
The creator of a Knowledge Base is defaulted to "Contributor" level, and can invite others to help manage the Knowledge Base by first inviting the person then upgrading them to "Contributor" level.
"Viewer" is the default and expected privlegde level for most Knowledge Base members.
There are no restrictions on how many members can belong to a Knowledge Base (there are separately license/plan-driven restrictions to the number of organization members and number of knowledge bases in total, independently).
Note that Admins are super-users in the application. They can not only configure the workspace in Lumi AI as a whole, but they also have access to all Knowledge Bases by default (and thus have default "Contributor" level access to all Knowledge Bases). They cannot be deleted from individual Knowledge Bases or have their privlegdges changed at a Knowledge Base level.
Last updated
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