
A robust and widely used enterprise relational database management system with comprehensive SQL features, high availability options, and scalability for large-scale data operations.

Supported Connection Methods

Available methods for connections to the target system from Lumi AI:

Supported Limits

The following are limits that can be configured for the system to moderate access and usage from users in Lumi AI:

Available Parameters

These properties are the essential source system connection properties that all queries are directed towards.

* Required parameters


Domain or IP of the database to allow a connection to Lumi AI.

👍 Valid Examples

  • Domain name:

  • IPv4:

👎 Invalid Examples

  • IPv4 with alphanumeric characters:

  • Incomplete domain name resolutions:


Access port to allow for connections to the database.

👍 Valid Examples

  • Default PostgreSQL port: 5432

👎 Invalid Examples

  • Known Port Numbers (0-1023): 80


Username of the generated database user which will be used for interactions and transactions.

Special Considerations

  • If double quotes are used, then the name will be case sensitive

👍 Valid Examples

  • Uses alphanumeric characters : lumi1

  • Utilizing underscore (_) in place of spaces: user_number

👎 Invalid Examples

  • Starting with a number: 1lumi

  • Utilizing spaces: user name

  • Using invalid characters: user#1


Password of the generated database user which will be used for interactions and transactions.


System Identifier, most applicable to older systems.

Special Considerations

  • Either SID or Service Name must be provided.

Service Name

Standard identifier in modern Oracle systems.

Special Considerations

  • Either SID or Service Name must be provided.

System Permissions & Configuration

The provided Oracle user account should have sufficient privileges to execute queries and retrieve data:

  1. CREATE SESSION (or equivalent “connect” privilege in newer Oracle versions). Allows the user to log in to Oracle.

  2. SELECT privileges on the required schema(s) and table(s).

    • If needed, ensure the user has permission on the specific columns.

  3. Resource/Role Configurations (Optional/As needed).

    • Depending on your use case, you might need privileges beyond just SELECT (e.g., CREATE TABLE, etc.).

    • Make sure any relevant roles (e.g., RESOURCE, CONNECT) are assigned.

  4. Network Access

    • Ensure the Oracle listener and any firewall settings allow connections from the Lumi AI environment (direct) or from the Lumi AI Gateway agent (gateway method).

Special Considerations

  • Case Sensitivity & Quoted Identifiers By default, Oracle stores object names in uppercase unless quoted. If you rely on specific case or special characters in table/column names, enclose them in double quotes (e.g., "MyTable"). However, mixing unquoted and quoted identifiers can lead to confusion, so a consistent naming convention is recommended.

  • TNS Names & Connection Strings In many environments, connections rely on TNS names. Ensure the TNS configuration on your server (and in any gateway environment) is correct if using TNS-based connections.

  • Character Sets Oracle supports various character sets. If you require specific encodings, ensure both Oracle and Lumi AI are configured to handle them properly (e.g., UTF-8).

Common Issues

  • Firewall or Listener Restrictions

    • Make sure port 1521 (or your chosen Oracle listener port) is open for inbound/outbound connections if using the Direct method.

    • If using Gateway, ensure the Lumi AI Data Gateway has network access to the Oracle instance.

  • Invalid Credentials or Insufficient Privileges

    • Confirm the user has the CREATE SESSION privilege and the necessary SELECT privileges on target schemas/tables.

  • Service Name vs. SID Confusion

    • Some configurations require the SID, others the Service Name. Using the wrong one can lead to authentication failures or “Database not found” errors.

  • TNS Configuration

    • If TNS entries are misconfigured or missing, the connection may fail with “ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve...” or similar errors.

  • Case-Sensitive Identifiers

    • Queries can fail if table or column names are incorrectly cased or unquoted/quoted inconsistently.

Last updated

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