Gateway Management
Lumi AI "Data Gateways" can be created, modified, and removed under this section of Organization Settings.
For details on Data Gateways and their utility, best practices, and more, see Data Gateway.
Data Gateway Downloads/Releases
An up-to-date list of all available gateways can be found in this section. It is recommended that you use the latest version available unless regression is required.
Data Gateway Management Table
The table on the page lists all Data Gateways in the organization and their properties, and provides means to interact with each.
All relevant properties are listed in the table:
Gateway Name: The friendly name / label associated with the gateway. Will be available for dropdown selection during Connection configuration of a Knowledge Base when the "Gateway" option is selected (for this reason it is recommended that names are made unique, even if not enforced).
Description: An optional description for more details to be captured about the gateway (e.g., region, reason for creation, scope, etc.)
Token: A partial capture / hint to the token used, for ease of identification locally where the key is used.
Created: Date the gateway was created.
Last Used: Date the gateway was last used. Usage qualifies as any time the the Data Gateway is running and healthy (not necessarily if any queries are being run).
Status: Can be "Active" or "Inactive". An Inactive gateway is unusable and must either be a) turned on (if off) or b) troubleshooted if not running correctly.
Version: Indicates what version of the gateway was last run / is running for the associated Token. It is recommended that the latest version be used, unless justification warrants running an older version.
Admins on this page can take the following actions via the table:
Add gateway: Create a new definition for a data gateway. Use if creating a first instance or creating multiple additional instances (typically one instance is enough, unless networks, systems, or host resourcing warrant multiple).
Edit Gateway: Enables modification of the "Gateway Name" and "Description".
Regenerate Token: Allows a token to be recreated for the gateway if lost or compromised, avoiding the need to recreate a gateway and update Knowledge Base references.
Delete Gateway: Permanently deletes a gateway. This action is not recoverable.
Last updated
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