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Configure Knowledge Base

What is a Knowledge Base?

The 'Knowledge Base' is the map that guides Lumi through your data structures. Without it, Lumi will not be able to generate the syntactically accurate code needed to answer questions.

The knowledge base contains information about:

  • Data-model Schemas
  • Field Definitions
  • Logic to Calculate Business KPIs
  • Specific Business Terminology

1. Define Semantic Layer

Select and define the tables and fields users can query.


💡 Lumi can only formulate queries that pull from selected tables and fields.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to the ‘Tables’ tab
  2. Ensure you are in edit mode
  3. Select the tables you wish to expose to Lumi from the dropdown list
  4. Once a table is selected, provide a table name and add context describing what the table is about. Most databases tend to use an unusual table naming convention, we highly recommend you re-name the table into a more human-readable format. This will drastically improve Lumi’s ability to generate accurate code. For more details, refer to the best practices below.
  5. For each selected table, use the drop down to select the fields you wish to expose to Lumi
  6. Once a field is selected, provide a semantic name and add context describing what the field is about. Most databases tend to use an unusual field naming convention, we highly recommend you re-name the field into a more human-readable format. This will drastically improve Lumi’s ability to generate accurate code. For more details, refer to the best practices below.

Define Semantic Layer

Table Descriptions Best Practices

  • Use intuitive names. Names should clearly reflect the table's content and purpose. Use descriptive names that convey the table's function or the type of data it holds, making it intuitive for users to understand what data they will find in each table.
  • Be consistent. Consistency in naming conventions is key. Decide on specific naming conventions early in the design process and apply them uniformly across all tables. We recommend following snake_case naming convention.
  • Plural vs. singular names. Decide whether to use singular or plural names for your tables and remain consistent. There's debate over which is best, but the most important thing is to choose one approach and stick with it throughout your schema.
  • Use domain-specific terms. Leverage domain-specific terminology when naming tables, especially in the semantic layer. This ensures that the names are relevant and recognizable to the end-users, who are often domain experts but not necessarily tech-savvy.
  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms. Unless an abbreviation or acronym is well-known and universally understood by all potential users, it's best to avoid them. They can create confusion and reduce the readability of your schema.
  • Avoid Using Reserved Keywords. Stay away from reserved SQL keywords (e.g., user) and database-specific terms for table names.
  • Prioritize clarity over brevity. While it's important to avoid unnecessarily long names, clarity should never be sacrificed for the sake of brevity. The name should be as long as necessary to ensure it is understandable.

Field Descriptions Best Practices

  • Use intuitive names. Field names should clearly indicate what data they contain. Use complete words that accurately describe the data in each field, ensuring that the name is understandable on its own without needing additional context.
TableField Name in SourceSemantic Name
Item Masteriditem_id
Item Masterdescitem_description
Sales Headeridsales_header_id
Sales Headersell_to_customercustomer_id
Purchase Headercard_codevendor_id
Purchase HeaderBPLIdbranch_id
  • Prioritize Clarity Over Brevity. Field names should be as long as necessary to ensure they are clearly understood. Avoid sacrificing clarity for the sake of keeping names short.
  • Consider End-User Perspective. Always consider the perspective of the end-user or non-technical stakeholders when naming fields. Use terminology and naming conventions that will be most intuitive to them, even if it means deviating slightly from technical norms or preferences.
  • Follow a Consistent Naming Convention. Use consistent names for fields found across tables. This will help Lumi better infer implicit join conditions.
Good Semantic LayerPoor Semantic Layer
item_id is consistently defined across all relevant tables: item master, sales line, purchase line, and inventory tables.item_id is used in item master, item_no is used sales line, product_id is used in purchase line, sku_id is used inventory table.
  • Prefer Verbose Names Over Abbreviations. While it might be tempting to use abbreviations to keep field names short, they can obscure meaning and make the schema less accessible. Always prefer verbose, descriptive names over abbreviations, unless the abbreviation is widely understood and accepted.
  • Include Units of Measurement Where Applicable. If a field represents a measurable quantity, include the unit of measurement in the field name. For example, temperature_celsius or length_cm make it clear what unit the data is measured in, reducing confusion and the need for additional documentation.
  • Avoid Using Reserved Keywords. Like with table names, avoid using reserved SQL keywords and database-specific terms for field names to prevent conflicts and errors.
  • Attribute Value Clarification. For fields with a predefined set of values, explicitly define each possible option.
Semantic NameGood ContextPoor Context
order_statusInteger field that represents the order status; 1 = Pending, 2 = Active, 3 = Declined, 4 = Closed, 5 = Returned.Represents the order status
inventory_adjustment_typeInteger field that represents the type of inventory adjustment transaction; 1 = Sales, 2 = Purchase, 3 = Positive adjustment., 4 = Negative Adjustment, 5 = Transfer, 6 = ConsumptionRepresents the inventory adjustment type
invoice_statusrepresents "O" for opened and "C" for closedRepresents the invoice status
sales_order_canceled_flagrepresents "N" for not canceled and "Y" (and others) for canceledFlag to represent if order is canceled or not.

2. Add Business Context

Define specific business terminology and instructions on how key business metrics should be calculated.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to the ‘Context’ tab
  2. Ensure you are in edit mode
  3. Add in specific business terminology you would like Lumi to know about
  4. Add in context you on how Lumi should calculate key metrics when prompted

Sample Examples For Reference

To help guide your input, consider these examples illustrating how to define business terminology and key metrics calculation instructions:

Business Terminology:

CP‘CP' is the short abbreviation for customer name 'Custom Parts Unlimited LLC' (ID = C0522).

Key Metrics:

Obsolete SKUsObsolete SKUs are SKUs where sum of consumption over the past 12 months is equal to zero.
Net Order CountTo calculate net order count, subtract the distinct count of returned orders (where order_status = ‘Returned’) from the distinct count of closed orders (where order_status = ‘Completed’).

Business Context Best Practices

  • Clarity Is Key: Use clear, concise language to describe terms and calculation methods. Avoid ambiguity to ensure Lumi accurately interprets your instructions.
  • Consistency Matters: Ensure consistency in terminology and metrics definitions across your inputs to prevent confusion and ensure reliable analytics outputs.
  • Validate Through Testing: After inputting your business context, run test prompts to verify that Lumi correctly understands and applies the provided information. Adjust as necessary based on the outcomes.
  • Regular Updates: Business operations and metrics can evolve. Regularly review and update your context inputs to keep Lumi's outputs relevant and accurate.

Add Business Context

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