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Setting Up a Data Gateway

The Lumi AI Data Gateway is a simple, lightweight application that runs on your local machine to provide a secure connection between your local data and the Lumi AI platform.

More information about the Data Gateway can be found in the Data Gateway documentation.


Only a few things are required to get started with the Data Gateway:

  1. Lumi admin access to the Lumi AI platform
    • There is at least one appointed administrator for the platform.
  2. A host machine running Windows or Linux to serve the Data Gateway
  3. Network access for the host machine to the source system/database
  4. Outbound network access from the host machine to the Internet \
    • For downloading the Data Gateway and connecting to the Lumi AI platform.
    • If outbound controls are in place, you will need to whitelist the application and the Lumi AI platform IP addresses, which can be found here.
  5. Drivers for the source system/database installed/available on the host

Running the Data Gateway

Running the gateway can be summarized as generating an identity (via a token) and then running the Data Gateway executable at the host.

These actions are explained in more detail in the following steps:

1. Define a Data Gateway Instance in the Lumi AI Platform Settings Panel

This panel can only be accessed by a Lumi AI platform administrator. Creating a Data Gateway instance involves defining a name for the instance and generating a secret key / token that will be used to authenticate the Data Gateway to the Lumi AI platform.

Keep this key securely for reference in the next steps.


The secret key will be displayed only once for security. If it is lost or compromised, you can generate a new one using the same panel.


You typically only need one Data Gateway instance to access multiple sorce systems in most cases. However, you can create multiple instances if those systems are not accessible from the same network (e.g., if you have regional networks with multiple databases).

2. Download the Data Gateway

The Data Gateway is distributed as a single executable file. You can download the latest version from the Lumi AI Data Gateway documentation page.

Place the executable in a directory on the host machine where it will be run (e.g., a lumi folder under the user directory in Linux or the desktop in Windows).


Ensure that the script is executable on Linux:

chmod +x <lumi-data-gateway-filename>

It is recommended that you download and maintain the latest version in order to benefit from all features. The admin panel will notify you if you are running an outdated version.

3. Apply a Configuration

The Data Gateway is configured using a YAML file. The file is located in the same directory as the executable and is named config.yaml. The configuration file is used to specify the gateway identity via a secret key / token, as well as additional optional configuration settings.

A basic template for the configuration file is provided below:

# Lumi AI Data Gateway Configuration
# ---------------------------------
# This file is used to configure the Lumi AI Data Gateway.
# It is a YAML file with the following structure:

token: <secret key>

# Optional configuration settings:
# --------------------------------
# The following settings are optional and can be used to customize the behavior of the Data Gateway.
# The default values are shown below.

4. Start the Data Gateway

The Data Gateway is started by running the executable file. The application will run in the background and will display a log of its activity in the terminal window.

If any issues, see the section below on Troubleshooting.

5. Check the Admin Panel

The Data Gateway instance should now be visible in the admin panel. The status will shop "Active" if all is well.


Even if the status is "Active", this only suggests that the Data Gateway itself is running; it does not guarantee that the connection configuration at a specific Knowledge Base is correct. You will be able to see the connection status and test configuration changes at the Knowledge Base itself.

6. [Optional] Configure the Data Gateway to Run at Startup

These instructions will vary depending on the host operating system. The Data Gateway is a simple executable that can be run as a service or as a scheduled task.

See Configuring the Data Gateway for Boot for more information.


If having trouble with the Data Gateway, please review the following common issues first:

1. Check the admin for status

The admin panel will display the status of the Data Gateway instance. If the instance is not "Inactive", you will need to go to the host and first check that it is truly running. Restart if necessary.

2. Check the Data Gateway log

A log folder will be generated with a 7 day history of information. Any failure events will be logged and can inform root cause.

3. Verify the token is valid

If the token is invalid, or mapped to a different Data Gateway instance, the Data Gateway will not be able to connect to the Lumi AI platform effectively. You can generate a new token in the admin panel and update the configuration file.

If none of these help, please reach out to Lumi AI support for assistance.